What To Do About Different Pet Injuries

What To Do About Different Pet Injuries

3 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

All pet owners worry about their furry friends getting injured. It's a natural part of the pet-owner relationship. However, some injuries are more common than others and can be treated with over-the-counter pet wound care products by a certified vet. Here are some minor pet injuries, their causes, and how to prevent them.

Cuts and Scrapes

Cuts and scrapes can occur when your pet plays outside, runs around in the house, or falls. If your pet has a deep wound or bone is visible, you should see a vet as quickly as possible. For all other superficial cuts and scrapes, here are some steps to follow:

  • Wash the wound with warm water and soap. Be sure to clean under any hair that may be obscuring the injury.
  • Apply an antibiotic ointment to a bandage and attach the bandage to the wound. Change the bandage daily or when it becomes wet or dirty.
  • Keep the wound dry for a couple of hours after treatment.

If your pet experiences fever, excessive bleeding, or swelling, reach out to an experienced vet. Also, make sure you watch out for redness around the wound, drainage from the wound, or inability to move an affected limb.

Strains and Sprains

Minor strains or sprains often cause joint pain in pets. These injuries can occur from playing too roughly, falling, or even just jumping off the couch.

If your pet is limping, make sure you set an appointment with your vet. They can examine your pet for strained or sprained joints. If there are signs of a sprain or strain, the vet will likely prescribe special over-the-counter wound care products. Surgery is rarely needed for minor sprains. But surgery might be required for more serious injuries.

To prevent minor pet injuries, make sure you provide a safe environment for your pet. You could create such an environment through the following ways:

  • Keep dangerous objects out of reach
  • Supervise playtime
  • Provide a soft landing for jumps

You should take time to learn your pet's behavior as well as its limitations. If your pet is particularly unruly, consider investing in pet safety gear like a harness for walks or a playpen for indoor use.


A minor bruise is usually not a cause for concern and can be treated at home with simple strategies. All you need is to apply a cold compress to the bruised area for a few minutes every few hours until the pain subsides. If bruising does not improve after a few days, you should take your pet to the vet.

Additional symptoms that warrant special attention include fever, lameness, and loss of appetite. Your vet can administer over-the-counter specialized treatments that can alleviate these symptoms with time.

Keep in mind that you can prevent bruises in pets by being mindful of their activities. Try to avoid roughhousing and playing too roughly with your pet. If you engage in such activities, make sure there is a soft-landing spot for them to fall. Also, if necessary, use baby gates or other barriers to keep your pet safe.