How To Tell If Your Cat Has Fleas

How To Tell If Your Cat Has Fleas

6 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Getting rid of fleas on your cat is something that must be done for their health and yours. Fleas not only bite animals, but they also bite humans. If fleas are allowed to get loose in your home; they can cause infections. It can be difficult to know whether or not your cat has fleas because fleas are so small, and they can be very well hidden. However, there are some common signs that your cat has a flea infestation. Take a look at some of the most common signs.


If your cat seems more tired than it normally would be, then it may be that they are being bitten by fleas. When your cat has a flea infestation, the fleas will be sucking your cat's blood several times a day. This can make your cat extremely tired and cause them to lose energy. You must take steps to get rid of these fleas immediately to keep your cat from getting sick.

Itching and Scratching

The most common sign that your cat is experiencing a flea infestation is when it starts itching and scratching more than usual. Your cat may be allergic to saliva that the fleas are releasing all over its skin. This can make your cat's skin very sensitive, and this is why they will scratch excessively. There may even be small bumps on their skin if they have an allergic reaction to the flea saliva.

Biting the Body

Another symptom that your cat is suffering from a flea infestation is that they may begin to use their teeth to bite themselves all over their body. If you notice that they start biting or chewing on any part of their fur and body, this is usually a sign that they are being bothered by fleas. If your cat has missing patches of hair, this is also a signal that they may be getting bitten by fleas.

What You Can Do

The first thing you should do is let your vet know if you suspect that there is a large infestation. They will tell you which treatment or combination of treatments is best. There are many ways that you can get rid of fleas on your cat. You can buy a treatment that will kill the fleas and their eggs. You can also ask your vet about chewable flea tablets — your cat can take these regularly to stop fleas. You can also buy a flea collar and place it around your cat's neck. Additionally, you should wash any bedding that your cat uses so that you can get rid of all the fleas.

Contact local veterinary services to learn more.